Rumor Has It

“They spread scary rumors among the People of Israel.”  Numbers 13:32 (the Message).

I was standing in a group of people a few weeks ago and there were at least three conversations going on around me.  I was connected to two of the conversations when a member of the third conversation asked me my opinion.  I stopped, looked at the person asking and replied, “Well, I was keeping up with two of the conversations going on but got sidetracked from the third when my own conversation in my head got started.”  I was among a group of women and they all stopped and laughed as this resonated with them.  All these conversations we have in our head.  Most of my conversations in my head are battling the rumors going on around me and whispering in my ear.

I am almost convinced that most of my perception of life as I know it is based entirely on rumor.  Bear with me a moment here.  Rumor has it no matter my age I should look like an airbrushed super model.  Rumor has it I can have my cake and eat it, too.  Rumor has it my business is going to fail.  Rumor has it we can’t afford college for the kids and they’ll end up nobodies in nobody type dead end jobs.  Rumor has it that this headache is really a brain tumor.  Rumor has it you can buy happiness.  Rumor has it a little white lie is really okay.   Rumor has it I can fudge on my taxes and get away with it.  Rumor has it God doesn’t really care.  Rumor has it the people surrounding me really don’t care.  Rumor has it I’ve failed.

This just begins an endless list of some of the rumors I have heard from friends and strangers alike.  Some of them I hear from myself.  Moses sent scouts ahead of the Israelites to scope out the Promised Land.  All but two of the scouts returned with dread and terror.  Out of their fear, they began spreading rumors.  Yet, two of the scouts, Caleb and Joshua, knew God’s character.  They saw the challenges of taking over the Promised Land, but they were firmly rooted in a correct perception of God’s call, God’s power and God’s favor upon them.   But the rumors were already flying.  These frightened scouts told the Israelites about the “giants” in the land and how, “…they looked down on us as if we were grasshoppers.”   The rumors lead the rest of the Israelites to turn on Moses…even to the point of stoning Moses and Aaron!

What are the rumors challenging you today?  What are the subtle mischaracterizations about God that you’ve allowed to creep into your heart and mind and separate you from Him?  Can you take a few minutes and think about them?  Then replace them with the truth.  He is Love. He is all powerful.  He is present.  He sees you.  He speaks.  He has a plan for your life.  He cares about you.  He desires you.  Don’t let the enemy’s rumors derail you from stepping into life in the Promised Land.



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