Extra Things

Sometimes I discover that I have brought extra things along on my journey with Jesus that really get in the way of his purpose for me. I’m talking about my tendency to try to help the Lord accomplish his will. For instance, when I strive to be in control of relational or work situations that are clearly beyond me instead of asking the Lord what he wants me to do. Or, becoming anxious about the problems in my life and worrying about what might happen (often becoming paralyzed by indecision) instead of listening to what God knows is best and then following him even when it doesn’t fully make sense to me. Or, becoming afraid about my children’s futures instead of asking the Lord how to shape and mold them toward his future for them. Or when I charge ahead with my carefully crafted plans (always asking the Lord to bless them once in place) only to find myself quickly exhausted and wondering why it didn’t work out. Extra things. Unnecessary things. Exhausting things.

In John 18, Peter brought something extra.  His extra thing was a sword that he planned to use to help protect Jesus and himself from the unfolding future. I believe Peter did this because he was anxious and afraid and seeking to be in control.  He would help the Lord! He would also prove that he would never deny Jesus (even though Jesus said he would 3x before morning). He would die for Jesus if that’s what it took to show his loyalty!  And Peter would seek to protect himself from feeling out of control in the midst of God’s unfolding plan of suffering and pain. Peter’s plan didn’t work and within a few short hours he used that sword (poorly) and then he denied the Lord (as predicted) and in the process he came to the end of himself (by God’s mercy and grace). The good news for Peter was that God was fully in control and not a bit surprised by Peter’s fleshly, human condition. Jesus was about to provide the answer to Peter’s deepest dilemma (himself), though it would come at the most extraordinary price of the cross.  Peter would be restored.  Only, perhaps, a little smaller in stature. And certainly carrying a few less things.

What about you? What extra things are you carrying today? Is it time to lay them down and ask the Lord what he wants?

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