Undivided Devotion

“I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” (1 Cor 7:35)

The story is told that Napoleon Bonaparte made a lonely surprise visit one night to the outpost sentries on one of the vital positions of his battlefield. Stealthily he moved along in the gray light of the morning. One sentry after another immediately challenged him. Finally, the crafty warrior stole up to a strategic spot. There was no sentry to challenge him. The wily Napoleon moved closer and saw a pair of boots protruding from under a shock of corn and a rifle propped beside them. He made no comment – just picked up the rifle and himself stood guard, waiting for the awakening of the snoozing soldier. Finally the corn stirred, and up jumped the guilty defender and grabbed for the gun that was gone. Can you imagine his confusion and chagrin? What a bitter and shattering experience – caught napping by Napoleon!  When the Lord of glory returns, will He find us Christians sleeping at our post of duty?

In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul reminds us that, “this world in its present form is passing away (v. 31b);” therefore he says, “live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord,” (v 35b). God is looking for people who will lay themselves out for his kingdom and his purposes in this world.  He is looking for people who will join him in his vast endeavor to demonstrate his great love and win the lost to himself.  I just returned from India where there are 1 billion people.  Of those billion people approximately 970 million do not know the Lord Jesus Christ and will spend eternity apart from him. What I saw there were people desperately hungry to know the real God and when Jesus revealed himself to them, they gladly responded.

While there were many things that amazed me in India, I was particularly impressed by the Indian Christians and the few foreign missionaries living among them.  I observed these people living lives of extraordinary commitment to Christ and his call to reach the lost in the midst of a dark and sin-sick culture. These people were not confused about the task at hand. They were willing to suffer if need be. They lived “lean” lives unencumbered by wealth and personal holdings. Their hearts burned with zeal as they passionately worshiped the Lord and pursued his great harvest of souls.  They were not living in this world as if it were a “cruise ship” but instead, they lived the “battle ship” lifestyle.  I was deeply moved and challenged by these everyday people living not for this life nor themselves, but for eternity and for Christ.

May I encourage you during this Lenten season to ask the Lord to explore your heart and show you the places where you have a divided devotion?  Ask him to show you whether you, like Napoleon’s sentry, have fallen asleep at your post.  Ask him to put zeal and fire and passion and His deep love and concern for the lost within you. And then, ask him to show you where to join him in his great work of redeeming the world to himself.

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