Tag Archives: reaping

Sowing and Reaping

“A man reaps what he sows,” (Galatians 6:7)
Sowing and reaping are farming terms Paul uses to describe the effects of the choices we make. If we sow to the Spirit we will reap a spiritual harvest. That is, if we invest ourselves with the Holy Spirit (spending time with Him, learning from Him, talking/listening to Him — through the still small voice and the scriptures), we will become Christ-like. If we sow to the flesh (the lower appetites – the sinful self-life), we will reap moral weakness. What you sow into, you reap (or get a return on). If you sow to the Spirit, God will be honored and other people will be positively affected. But if you sow to the flesh, the seed will rot and bring forth corruption in your life and in the lives of others and God will be dishonored.
We must understand that the self-life (flesh) cannot and will never produce or generate the fruit of the Spirit (the characteristics of Christ). Just the opposite occurs. Some people foolishly assume that it doesn’t matter what they do (sow into), so long as they are sincere. However, that is not what the bible reveals to us. Where we place our focus, what captures our imagination, where we spend our time, how we use our words, the way we use or abuse our bodies, the manner in which we treat others all have real effects.
Today, make the decision to sow to the Spirit. Ask the Lord to do his work in you and abide in (rely upon/remain in/stay close to/be connected to) Him. Good spiritual fruit will be the natural and spiritual result.

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