Tag Archives: baptism in the holy spirit

Abba’s Child

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.” (Galatians 4:4-7)


In 1992, I received the most startling, life-changing news I had ever heard. I treasure it to this day, some 21 years later.  The news came during a parish renewal weekend which was focused on the fullness of or baptism in the Holy Spirit. The retreat was led by a group of lay persons from Florida who shared from the scriptures and from their lives as to how God had filled them with the Holy Spirit and given them life and power to be Christ’s witnesses in the world.  When it came time for prayer, I raised my hand, signalling my desire for the Holy Spirit to fill me with his fullness — no more conditions or stipulations from my side — I simply wanted more of him so that my life might be available for whatever purpose he had for me.  God’s power came upon me and within me like a heavy electric blanket of  warmth.

The next day I went for a private prayer session with a team from the church. I received powerful cleansing and inner healing — having previously been a follower of the Grateful Dead and an active drug user — I was keenly aware of my personal sin. When I met Jesus 3 years before at a point of personal crisis, I fled to his salvation.  But I could never shake the dirtiness or unworthiness that I felt.  However, it was on this day, at the end of our time of prayer that God delivered me from deep-seated fear and shame.  It was also when he spoke to my heart for the first time (or perhaps it was the first time I actually heard him).  And what was it that he shared with me?  What good news did he tell me? He said, “You are a child of the light, a son of the Father.”

My heart burst with joy!  No longer an outcast! No longer a hanger-on.  No longer a mere servant! No longer a slave!  No, I was an adopted child of the Lord Most High by virtue of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  And the Holy Spirit was witnessing to my heart the truth of God to me.  As Galatians 4 says, “Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”  Such was the experience I had.  I could earnestly and truly cry out “My Father!  My Abba!  My Heavenly Daddy!”  and actually mean it and know that it was true about me and about Him.

This revelation of my adoption as his child changed everything for me.  It changed the way I viewed myself, especially when I sinned.  Now I could come to him and ask his forgiveness knowing that I already belonged to him — there was no more fear that I would cross some line or go too far and be put out of his presence.  It changed the way I viewed God — no longer stern and far off, but intimate and ever-ready to engage with me. Now I knew I could come to him and I would always be heard — he would never be “too busy” for me.  Now I knew that he delighted to pour out his love and blessings upon me not because I had earned them, but simply because he loves me.  Now I no longer had to try to measure up or prove myself to him, I already had his approval.  Now I could pray honestly and with great joy, “Abba, I belong to You!”

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