Tag Archives: common sense

“Wise up!”


As life presses in and difficult situations arise, how do you navigate the challenge of making sound decisions?  The person whose mind is set on the world’s ways cannot see the wisdom of God’s ways.  Do you look to God for wisdom or do you rely on the tactics and strategies you’ve learned from the world?  The world’s ways are different from God’s ways.  In fact, they are often called “rebellion” by God.  But to the person focused on the world, rebellion is not rebellion, but simply common sense. The bible insists upon a life guided by God’s revelation as the only truly wise life. Are you learning God’s wisdom or do you still rely upon the world’s common sense?

In Isaiah 30, we see these differences magnified.  The people of Israel are at a time of crisis in their national life.  The mighty Assyrian army is threatening to invade. Disaster seems imminent. So what do the Jewish people do?  Instead of turning to their true King, the Holy One of Israel, who has promised to protect and keep them, they make a political alliance with Egypt.  God is not pleased by this faithless rebellion. He says, “Ah stubborn children, who carry out a plan, but not mine, and who make an alliance, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin; who set out to go down to Egypt, without asking for my direction, to take refuge in the protection of Pharaoh and to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt!” (Isaiah 30:1-2).  Not only do they neglect to seek God, but also they run in the opposite direction.  They are looking for the world’s security. They are seeking an old way of protection.  Ultimately, they are seeking to save themselves and the Lord makes clear that what is sought outside of him, though seemingly wise in the world’s sight and simply ‘common sense’, actually becomes their source of defeat and degradation.

How often have I seen this kind of dynamic operating in my life?  When a time of crisis comes, I run about seeking ways to fix the crisis.  I wrack my brains trying to figure out how to make it go away. Too often, I follow the way the world resolves things —  for instance, by looking out for number one rather than living openly and generously; or by believing that the end justifies the means, or that preserving an image is more important than walking with integrity.   I sometimes seek comfort from old habits, behaviors and addictions.  Sadly I have spent far more time than I care to admit seeking out the world’s ways and my ways of fixing my life.  God lovingly, but bluntly names this, “Rebellion.”  He tells me to, “Wise up!”

God counsels His people in a completely different and counter-intuitive way.  He advises us to come back to him and trust in his kindness and strength.  “In returning (repentance) and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength,” (Isaiah 30:15). God calls us to come back to him.  He calls us back to the cross. He calls us to turn away from our sinful independence and to rest in his care.  He advises us not to speed up busily trying to fix things, but instead to be intentional in seeking his counsel.  When we diligently seek him, he promises that we will always find him. This is what it means to trust.  It means to place ourselves in his strong and faithful care, expecting his answers and then obediently following his direction despite how it looks or seems to the world around us.

Are you learning God’s wisdom or do you still rely upon the world’s common sense? Are you learning to, “Wise up?”

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